Freestanding bathtubs
Shower enclosures
Bathtub screens
Shower doors
Shower trays & linear drains
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Years of experience

For the past 25 years we have been developing our company for our customers.

We are aware that the production of the ideal bath is not just the modern shape but also optimal quality and performance parameters.

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For the past 25 years we have been developing our company for our customers.

Highest polish quality

Besco is a 100% Polish manufacturer.

Production processes are based on modern technologies, that ensure highest quality of our products. Our technologies are: termoforming, mineral cast and sanitary composites.

What distinguishes us?

Highest polish quality
Besco is a 100% Polish manufacturer.
Modern technology
The production process is based on the latest technology; this guarantees the highest quality products.
Years of experience
For the past 25 years we have been developing our company for our customers.
Professional customer service
Experienced staff and carefully selected business partners guarantee the highest level of customer service.
The satisfaction of our customers is of paramount importance. The combination of our experienced specialists, latest technologies and the use of only the highest quality materials allows us to guarantee the reliability of our products.
Prestigious awards
Besco branded bathtubs have already won 5 awards at the prestigious sanitary "Bathroom - Choice of the Year" contest.
Zobacz nasze produkty
Wierzyliśmy, że uda nam się stworzyć produkty, które nie tylko będą się podobały, ale przede wszystkim będą służyły naszym klientom długie lata.
Besco Team

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