More than 25 years ago we’ve created our first bathtubs and shower trays...
We believed that we would be able to create products which will not only be liked by our customers but will also serve them throughout the years ensuring comfort of use.

We set new trends

From the very beginning we have made all decisions based on these three rules: highest quality, thought out design and appealing price. The knowledge and experience gained over the years are our strength, the ability to recognise the needs of our clients and the latest production technology combined with materials of the highest European quality allow us to satisfy those needs with our exceptional products.
We strive to set new trends in design and arrangement of the “little kingdoms” that our bathrooms most definitely are. We believe that the large assortment of our products proves that our work is going in the right direction. We hope that Besco and PMD Piramida brands will be recognised by our customers as synonyms of security, comfort and satisfaction of use.

Perfection down to the smallest detail
When designing a bath salon, we aim to make it fully meet our expectations and needs, both aesthetically and functionally..
What distinguishes us?

The largest range of products
Modern technology
A comprehensive approach to the needs of our customers
Ambitious plans

Besco studios
Availability and delivery times
Professional customer service

Prestigious awards
Besco branded bathtubs have already won 5 awards at the prestigious sanitary “Bathroom – Choice of the Year” contest, including the most significant prize in 2015, granted by our Consumers who have decided that freestanding bathtub Victoria is a product of the year 2015 for bathrooms!
These awards confirm on one hand, the highest quality of products offered by our company, and on the other hand recognition, which the brand enjoys among the most important industry experts and final Customers.

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Wierzymy, że będzie on pomocnym narzędziem w Państwa pracy, ułatwi wybór interesujących produktów oraz spełni oczekiwania estetyczne i informacyjne nawet najbardziej wymagających Klientów.